
Course Description

Calling all future coders, programmers, & designers! Learn the basics of coding languages like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS through a series of web projects and design challenges each day and be on your way to becoming the next tech star! Whether you want to be a Silicon Valley CEO or the high school student who just made $1 million dollars for programming in her bedroom, this course has the essentials you need to begin your journey. Projects will be available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. Returning students can create more advanced projects that build on previous years.  Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the program. 

Note: Black Rocket instruction 9 a.m.-12 p.m. with recess 12-12:30 p.m. or instruction 1-4 p.m. with recess 4-4:30 p.m.

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